Baby Broccoli and Kernel Corns Yakisoba

  • 2 servings
  • 15 mins
Signature Original Yakisoba mixed with hamburger patty, broccoli, and corn

Looking for something simple and easy to try? Look no further, as this simple recipe only calls for 4 ingredients! Besides our Signature Original Yakisoba, the 3 key ingredients are the following: hamburger patty, broccoli, and corn. In the US, finding shredded/sliced pork is difficult. Hamburger patty is a great option, as you can find patties anywhere in the store!

In this recipe

Signature Original Yakisoba

2 servings

Cook Time
15 mins





  • 2 servings Signature Original Yakisoba
  • 1 Hamburger Patty
  • 80 g Baby Broccoli chopped
  • 50 g Kernel Corns
  • 1 tbsp Oil
  • ¼ cup Water


  • 2 packets Signature Original Yakisoba Seasonings


  • Heat a pan and add 1 tbsp of oil.
  • Add hamburger patty to the pan and stir-fry until the patty is cooked/brown. Break down the patty into pieces with a spatula.
  • Once the patty is cooked, add baby broccoli, and kernel corns and stir fry until the vegetables are cooked.
  • Add Yakisoba noodles to the pan and stir-fry for 30 seconds.
  • Add ¼ cup of water to the pan and cook until water is fully evaporated.
  • Remove the seasoning packets from the package and add to pan. Lower heat and mix well.
  • Serve on a plate and enjoy!

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